Daisy says ‘Responsible Reporting’ update arrives soon

The rabbit cannot contain her excitement as she romps around the publishing den. Two days ago, Pew Research Journalism Project released report “State of the News Media 2014“. Earlier this month, Daisy made a tough editorial decision. To publish Responsible Reporting: Field Guide for Bloggers, Journalists, and Other News Gatherers with year-old data. She reasoned we could update the book when the newer report released later in the month. It’s here!

Editing is underway now, and version 1.01 of the book will publish before end of the weekend. When that happens, the $7.99 sale price ends, and the regular $9.99 kicks in. So grab Responsible Reporting quick and save two bucks. You will get the update either way, but why pay more for it? The book is available from AmazonGoogle Play, and Smashwords.